Insights on Immigration and Development


Forthcoming Workshop

There are no future workshop programmed at this moment.

Previous Workshops

Workshop 2016, 2016-06-06

WORKSHOP: MIGRATION. June 15-16, 2015, 2015-10-07

WORKSHOP: MIGRATION. June 16-17, 2014, 2015-10-01

INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics, Barcelona (Spain), 2012-10-18

Fifth INSIDE Workshop, 2011-06-27

IV- Workshop on Gender Economics, 2011-05-26

IV Inside Workshop, 2010-06-22

III Inside Workshop,

II Inside Workshop,

I Inside Workshop,


There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.