Insights on Immigration and Development

Fifth INSIDE Workshop


The Fifth INSIDE Workshop (Insights on Immigration and Development) will take place June 27-28, 2011 in Barcelona at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC).

INSIDE is a joint initiative of IAE-CSIC (Institute for Economic Analysis, Spanish National Research Council), member of the Barcelona GSE, and MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics).

The 2011 meeting will be in conjunction with the Princeton Global Network on Child Migration (Princeton University) from which INSIDE became part this year. Therefore, the organizing committee is particularly interested in papers at the crossroad of child wellbeing and migration:

– First, how does migration influence wellbeing of children and youth –i.e. selection regimes that produce migratory flows of children and youth to clarify whether migration improves or undermines wellbeing of young people, depending on its character, timing, duration, and auspices.

– Second, how migrant children compare with nonimmigrant children in their host communities on various dimensions of physical, social, and economic wellbeing)

The three sub-themes that the Global network project encompasses are:

1. Social and Economic Consequences of Age at Migration;

2. Institutions of the Welfare State and Child Wellbeing (related to policies and practices that affect children’s participation in childcare, health care and primary education).

3. Migrant Fertility and Living Arrangements (household formation, intra-household specialization and housing conditions

We welcome paper submissions until March 15, 2011 at

Organizing committee:
Marta Tienda
Sara McLanahan
Alicia Adsera
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell


There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.