Insights on Immigration and Development

Contribute a Paper

Submission of papers by INSIDE members is encouraged. You can submit your paper using the following link.

The INSIDE program will give (conditional on funds availability) a symbolic award of 500 euros to the author(s) of those INSIDE working papers that get published in a high quality journal (see list below) or get media attention in Spain. In order to receive the award, the author(s) must either include INSIDE as their affiliation or refer to their INSIDE membership in the acknowledgements.

Please send the pdf of the published article or a link to the media where the article is discussed to

List of included journals:

American Economic Review
American Journal of Political Science
American Journal of Sociology
American Political Science Review
American Sociological Review
British Journal of Sociology
Economic Journal
Ethnic and Racial Studies
European Sociological Review
International Economic Review
International Migration Review
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Economic Perspectives
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of International Economics
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Public Economics
Journal of the European Economic Association
Journal of Urban Economics
Labour Economics
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Regional Science and Urban Economics
Review of Economic Studies
Review of Economics and Statistics
Social Forces


There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.