Insights on Immigration and Development

Sixth INSIDE (IAE-MOVE) Workshop


The Sixth INSIDE Workshop (Insights on Immigration and Development) will take place October 18-19, 2012 in Barcelona at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC).

INSIDE is a joint initiative of IAE-CSIC (Institute for Economic Analysis, Spanish National Research Council), member of the Barcelona GSE, and MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics).

The 2012 meeting will be co-organized with the team members of the project “Migration: Integration, Impact and Interaction” of the NORFACE Research Programme on Migration.

Organizing committee:
Marco Alfano (UCL, CReAM)
Lidia Farrè (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Ada Ferrer-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC, INSIDE)
Uta Schoenberg (UCL, CReAM)


There are no future seminars programmed at this moment.


There are no future workshops programmed at this moment.