Insights on Immigration and Development

INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics


VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics

Venue:  Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC)

Campus UAB – Bellaterra – Barcelona

18-19 October 2012

Thursday 18 October 2012


Welcome Address:  Ada Ferrer-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC)


Session 1 – Labour Market, Peers and Inmigrant Entrepreneurs

Uta Schoenberg  (University College London & CReAM)
Under pressure: The Impact of Peers on Wages(with Christian Dustmann & Thomas Cornelissen)
Discussant: Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE- CSIC)
Albrecht Glitz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Coworker Networks in the Labour Market
Discussant: Oddbjørn Raaum  (Frisch Centre for Economic Research)
Susana Iranzo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Inmigrants and Entrepreneurship: a Road for Talent or Just the Only Road


Coffee Break


Session 2 – Legal System and Migration

Jesus Fernandez Huertas Moraga (FEDEA)
Visa Policies, Networks and the Cliff at the Border(with Simone Bertoli)
Discussant: Thomas Cornelissen (University College London & CReAM)
Bernt Bratsberg (Frisch Centre for Economic Research)
Economic Shocks, the Legal Environment and Work Related Migration” (with Jon Erik Dolvik and Oddbjorn Raaum)
Discussant: Francesco Fasani (IAE- CSIC, MOVE & INSIDE)




Invited lecture

Christian Dustmann (University College London & CReAM)
Title: “Why Are We Concerned About Immigration?

Coffee Break


Session 3 – Labor Market Impact of Immigrants

Sebastian Braun (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
Immigration and Structural Change: Evidence from Post-war Germany(with Michael Kvasnicka)
Discussant: Albrecht Glitz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Jan Stuhler  (University College London & CReAM)
Empirical Evidence on the local labour market impact of immigration(with Christian Dustmann & Uta Schoenberg)
Discussant: Joan Lull (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & MOVE)
Joan Monras Oliu (Columbia University)
Low Skilled Immigration and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Mexican Tequila Crisis
Discussant: Sebastian Braun (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)

Friday 19 October 2012


Session 4 – Discrimination, Language and Undocumented immigrants

Lidia Farré (IAE-CSIC & INSIDE)
Rental Housing Discrimination and the Persistence of Ethnic Residential Segregation(with Mariano Bosch and M. Angeles Carnero)
Discussant: Joan Monras Oliu (Columbia University)
Rajesh Ramachandran  (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Language use in education and primary schooling attainment: Evidence from a natural experiment in Ethiopia
Francesco Fasani (IAE-CSIC, MOVE & INSIDE)
The Prospect of Legal status and the Employment Status of Undocumenetd Immigrants(with Carlo Devillanova & Tommaso Frattini)
Discussant: Bernt Bratsberg (Frisch Centre for Economic Research)


Coffee Break


Invited lecture


Sara de la Rica (Universidad del País Vasco)
Title: “Immigration in Europe: What Have We Learned from Recent Evidence?”




Session 5 – Immigration and Education

Joan Llull (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & MOVE)
“Immigration, Wages, and Education: a Labor Market Equilibrium Structural Model”
Discussant: Jesus Fernandez Huertas Moraga (FEDEA)
Esther Hauk (IAE- CSIC)
Immigration and the school system (with Facundo Albornoz & Antonio Cabrales)
Discussant: Caterina Calsamiglia (UAB)


Coffee Break


Session 6 – Parents and Children

Núria Rodríguez-Planas (IZA & IAE- CSIC)
Can’t buy mommy’s love? Universal child-care and children’s long-term cognitive development(with Christina Felfe & Natalia Nollenberger)
Discussant: Uta Schoenberg  (University College London & CReAM)
Anders Björklund  (Institutet för Social Forskning (SOFI) – Stockholms Universitet
The Role of Mothers and Fathers in Providing Skills: Evidence from Parental Deaths” (with Jerome Adda and Helena Holmlund)
Discussant: Libertad Gonzalez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Thomas Cornelissen (University College London & CReAM)
Early School Exposure, Test Scores, and Behavioral Outcomes (with Christian Dustmann & Claudia Trentini)
Discussant: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (IZA & IAE- CSIC)


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