Insights on Immigration and Development

Working Papers

  • 20. Joan Maria Esteban and Debraj Ray

    Comparing Polarization Measures [Abstract] [PDF ]

    forthcoming in: Handbook by Oxford University Press
  • 19. Joan Maria Esteban and Debraj Ray

    Linking Conflict to Inequality and Polarization [Abstract] [PDF ]

    forthcoming in: American Economic Review
  • 18. Joan Maria Esteban and Debraj Ray

    A Model of Ethnic Conflict [Abstract] [PDF ]

    forthcoming in: Journal of the European Economic Association
  • 17. Lídia Farré, Libertad González and Francesc Ortega

    Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of Skilled Native Women [Abstract] [PDF ]

  • 16. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Susan Pozo

    Remittance Income Volatility and Labor Supply in Mexico [Abstract] [PDF ]

  • 15. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Susan Pozo

    Accounting for Remittance and Migration Effects on Children’s Schooling [Abstract] [PDF ]

  • 14. Simone Bertoli, Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga and Francesc Ortega

    Immigration Policies and the Ecuadorian Exodus [Abstract] [PDF ]

  • 13. Francesc Ortega and Javier G. Polavieja

    Labor-Market Exposure as a Determinant of Attitudes toward Immigration [Abstract] [PDF ]

  • 12. Stefanie Brodmann and Javier G. Polavieja

    Immigrants in Denmark: An Analysis of Access to Employment, Class Attainment and Earnings in a High-Skilled Economy [Abstract] [PDF ]

    forthcoming in: International Migration
  • 11. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Sara de la Rica

    The Immigration Surplus and the Substitutability of Immigrant and Native Labor: Evidence from Spain [Abstract] [PDF ]

Lídia Farré is responsible for INSIDE Papers


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